Kamados have come a long way since their roots in earthen pits. Today, many great kamado manufacturers work hard to bring their spin on the ancient culinary style to you — and they offer highly competitive guarantees. But how do their brand warranties differ? Look no further, as we've outlined them all in one place. You'll find all our best kamado brands and their warranty conditions below in this simple warranty comparison chart.

Blaze Kamado Joe Coyote Primo
Ceramic Parts Warranty Lifetime Lifetime 20 Years
Metal Parts Warranty Lifetime 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years
Electronic Components 3 Years
Other Components All Other Parts - Lifetime All Other Parts - 2 Years Wood & Thermometer - 1 Year Cast Iron - 1 Year
Thermometer & Gasket - 30 Days
Commercial Applications Lifetime 1 Year
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