10 Essential Charcoal Grilling Accessories

Lump Charcoal
The best place to start is with some all-natural charcoal. Lump charcoal is better than charcoal briquettes because it’s made of pure carbon with no additives, meaning no chemical taste or smell when burned. Lump charcoal is also more responsive to oxygen, so you’ll get a longer and hotter burn, plus a more manageable fire if your grill has air vents. Shop Lump Charcoal
Charcoal Ash Tool
The practice of charcoal grilling isn’t complicated. Simply add your coals, light them, and use the heat to cook delicious meals. Charcoal ash tools make it even easier to work with charcoal so you can move it around your grill, create indirect heat, and clean out ash after your cook. Shop Charcoal Ash Tool
Charcoal Chimney
One of the quickest and safest charcoal lighting methods is a chimney starter. All you need to do is place the lump charcoal on a grate inside the metal cylinder, add some crumpled-up newspaper in the space below the grate, and light it. Once the coals in the chimney start to glow, pour them into a bed of unlit coals in your grill. This removes the need for lighter fluid, which leaves an unpleasant chemical taste in your food and your grill. Shop Charcoal Chimney
Electric Charcoal Starters
If holding and pouring a large bucket of fire isn’t your preference, electric charcoal starters are an easy alternative. Devices like the Looftlighter use a stream of hot air to light coals safely in just minutes, while others may use flames or electric arcs. It’s a reliable way to start any charcoal grill and eliminates the need for lighter fluid. One thing to note is that unless you go with the battery-powered model, an external power source will be required. Shop Electric Charcoal Starters
BBQ Thermometer
Barbecue thermometers are a necessity for every cook because it’s the only way to know for sure that food is done and safe to eat. Some thermometers come as wireless probes that send temperature readings to an app on your smartphone. For surface temperatures, infrared surface thermometers use laser technology to get accurate readouts of your grill grates. Shop BBQ Thermometer
Pizza Grilling Kit
Skip the delivery and make wood-fired pizza on your charcoal grill. Pizza stones are great for keeping your pie intact on your grates, your crusts crispy, and act as a hear deflector that can bake and roast different foods on your grill just like an indoor oven. Shop Pizza Grilling Kit
Grill Racks & Toppers
To get the most out of your charcoal grill, racks and toppers can help you cook a variety of different foods. For breakfast on the grill, a griddle will be a great companion. Chicken roasters keep your poultry nice and juicy, and rib racks can help you roast meat more evenly. For the adventurous backyard chef, there’s no shortage of unique accessories that can give you the ability to cook anything on your grill. Shop Grill Racks & Toppers
Grilling Tools
A set of tools is necessary for cooking on any grill. Aside from your everyday tongs and spatulas, a basting brush coupled with some tried-and-true sauces can take your barbecue game to another level. Meat forks are also good to have for handling large cuts of meat and skewers offer the flexibility to cook smaller foods on your grill like shrimp or kebabs. Several bundle options are available along with other great accessories like grill gloves to protect your hands from getting burned. Shop Grilling Tools
Grill Brush
Cleaning your grill may not be as fun as cooking on it, but it’s still a necessary part of the process. Grill brushes keep your grates from wearing down due to built-on debris. Detailing brushes are good for reaching smaller and harder to reach areas in your grill. Just be sure to check for loose bristles and discard the brush if you find any—you don’t want loose bristles to break off and stick to your grill grates. Shop Grill Brush