How to Use Wood Chips with a Gas Grill
Some gas grills come with a dedicated space for wood chips, while many others are compatible with smoker boxes that can sit either directly on the burner or grill grates. You can also smoke wood chips in a foil pan or by wrapping them in a rectangular sheet of foil to form a pouch. Regardless of method, we never soak wood chips because all that does is delay the actual burning and produce steam rather than smoke.
Chef Tony recommends placing foil pouches on or between the flame tamers, if possible, near the far left or right burner. Smoker trays, meanwhile, usually come with instructions for where they should be positioned within the grill. For both foil pouches and pans, make sure to poke holes in the covering with a fork so smoke can escape and fill your food with flavor.
Preheat the grill like normal, turn the wood chip burner to low, then add your smoker box or foil setup and shut the lid so the chips can begin smoldering. Once you see blue smoke — which is clean and ideal for distributing flavor — flowing from the back of your grill, then it’s time to put your food on. We know you’ll have the urge to check on your food while it’s smoking, but it’s important to keep the lid closed so the smoke stays trapped and soaks in. Also remember that different wood chips impart different flavors, and you can always split wood chunks into smaller potions for a quicker burn in the grill.

Do It Yourselfshouldn't mean,
Do It Alone.

butterflypoultry to more evenly roast, grill, or smoke a whole chicken or turkey.

Holy Trinityand beyond, Chef Kenneth Temple teaches the facts about our misunderstood cuisine.

I'm out to inspire mouthwatering food, cooked simply but masterfully from everyday ingredients. And my culinary approach is all about showcasing world cuisine through a New Orleans lens.

Now, my goal is always to empower people, and be approachable to people — and from the inside looking out, I've seen for myself that Weber really embraces that ethos.

Diva QBennett
Ask me anything about meat. Anything. Grilled, smoked, stewed, roasted, broiled, baked, braised, stir-fried, smothered, stuffed, dry aged, wet aged… should I go on? Because I can.

For all the interest and accolades that anyone has for me, I owe 100% to the women who raised me. Thanks to them, today I'm the proud owner of Philips Barbecue Co., and runner-up for Netflix's American BBQ Showdown

Diva QBennett Let me tell it to you, as straight as I take my bourbon: I've been living the barbecue lifestyle for a long time now. Ever since the week I judged my first competition in 2006.

Oh, this person's trying to tell me something and I can hear it!

zonesin your outdoor kitchen.