Grill Thermometers

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BBQ Grill Thermometers

Grillers have long used unreliable indicators, such as color and texture, to determine whether their food was finished cooking. But today’s technology has made it so that food doneness doesn’t have to be a guessing game — and it shouldn’t be. Undercooked food contains bacteria that can make you sick when eaten, which is why certain foods must be brought to specific minimum temperatures before being served. According to the USDA, the only way to ensure your grub is safe to consume is by using a food thermometer.

A BBQ thermometer can give you peace of mind that your food has been properly cooked and is safe for family and friends to eat. Though grill thermometers are designed for safety purposes, they’re versatile enough to provide other benefits and can help prevent overcooking your food, too!

Types of BBQ Thermometers

BBQ thermometers come in all shapes and sizes these days. But whether you’re dealing with a simple temperature gauge or a complex Bluetooth grill thermometer, there are a few main categories every model falls under. The list below will help you figure out what kind of grill thermometer you need to best protect your family from undercooked meat.

  • Instant Read Thermometers- These are probably what you envision when you think of food safety thermometers. Simply stick them in the thickest part of the meat you’re cooking — but make sure they’re not touching bone, fat, or gristle — to see its internal temperature. This type of grill thermometer is a must-have a for any indoor or outdoor kitchen.

  • Wireless Grill Thermometers- If you really want to take the guesswork out of grilling, consider using a wireless meat thermometer. Most have the ability to conveniently track multiple probes at once and are connected to a smartphone app. With Wi-Fi grill thermometers, you’ll be notified when your food reaches the desired internal temperature so you can be confident it’s ready to serve.

  • Laser Surface Thermometers- These nifty gadgets measure the infrared energy given off by a surface and can help you find out if your grill has hot or cold spots. Though you won’t be able to see your meat’s internal temperature, these grill thermometers are valuable tools when it comes to setting up searing and finishing zones.

  • Temperature Controllers- Completely control the heat and air circulation inside your grill or smoker with these handy appliances. They can keep your grill at exact temperatures, and some even have additional probes that alert you when food has reached a certain internal temperature.

BBQ thermometers make grilling safer, easier, and more enjoyable. If you still have questions about their use and importance, call one of our grilling experts today at 1-877-743-2269.

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